Monday, December 30, 2019

The Cultural Point Of View - 942 Words

Psychologists use a wide range of ways to deal with, comprehend and clarify human behavior. The social/cultural point of view otherwise called sociocultural, is one method used to grasp why people act the way they do. This method looks to comprehend human behavior and identity improvement by inspecting the standards of the social gatherings and subgroups in which the individual is a part of. (Nevid, 2003) These principles are regularly unwritten rules that assist to direct a person’s activities. Race and ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, social class, family conventions, associate gatherings, and age are a portion of the subgroups that may impact somebody s behavior. (Ellyson, et al., 2014) The sociocultural method is stating that individuals behave a certain way due to their social and cultural connection. Individuals are influenced by other individuals they are around on a regular basis. Social forces are very influential in determining the behavior of individuals; ho wever, they are frequently overlooked or underestimated. (Ellyson, et al., 2014) This perspective asks questions about why we obey people with authority, how we enter and maintain relationships, and what standards we consider appropriate, such as gender roles. The social/cultural viewpoint additionally advises us that we are impacted by components that are more extensive, yet generally as essential. (Nevid, 2003) By setting the investigation of the person in his or her cultural and social connection, aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Cultural Materialism623 Words   |  3 Pagesoften result in a completely new and independent way of thinking. Cultural Materialism is one of these children theories that resulted from a coming together of social evolutionary theory, cultural ecology and Marxist materialism (Barfield). The goal of cultural materialism is to explain politics, economics, ideology and symbolic aspects of a culture with relation to the needs of that society. From a cultural mater ialist point of view society is indisputably shaped by the factors of production andRead MoreGlobalization : Positive And Negative Effects On Todays Society1582 Words   |  7 Pageseffects on the environment, societies, as well as today’s cultures. Cultural globalization refers to the process of spreading one’s cultural values, ideology, and uniqueness on a global level. Cultural globalization can have both positive and negative effects on today’s society as well. A positive effect of cultural globalization is the easy accessibility of different cultural products and commodities. A negative effect of cultural globalization is that smaller, more unique cultures may lose whatRead MoreCulture Sensitivity And The Asian Culture1076 Words   |  5 PagesCulture sensitivity, or cultural competency, is the knowledge that allow workers to recognize or value different cultures and differences other than their own, to give them the ability to respond efficiently to various cultural needs (Denisco Barker, 2015). Specifically, in the Asian-American group, there are numerous cultural differences that are prominent and diverse regarding healthcare. For this paper, the Asian cultural group was chosen because my family is part of this ethnic group. In additionRead MoreAlain Locke Essay1153 Words   |  5 Pagescreeds, we all combine under one common denominator. Alain Locke addresses this issue of cultural pluralism in his article, quot;Who and What is `Negro?quot; In this article, Locke states that, quot;There is, in brief, no `The Negro. quot; By this, he means that blacks are not a uniform and unchanging body of people. He emphasizes that we, as Americans, need to mentally mature to a point where we do not view ourselves as all separate races, but as distinct parts of a composite whole. LockeRead MoreEvaluate †©Rachels †©Arguments †©Against †©Cultural†© Relativism Essay1682 Words   |  7 PagesPHIL1001 ESSAY Evaluate†©Rachels†©arguments†©against†©cultural†©relativism.†©Is†©he†©right†©to†©endorse†© objective†©moral†©realism? DINH NAM TRAN 308213904 Cultural relativism, as defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. â€Å"Is the thesis that a person’s culture strongly influences her modes of perception and thought† Most cultural relativists add to this definition saying that there is no standard of morality. This means that morality is relative to the particular society that one lives inRead MoreMoral Realism And Normative Ethics1189 Words   |  5 Pagesnature of our moral thought and/or language whereas normative-ethics is evaluating the competing theories about what grounds morality. Here we will use the following normative and meta-ethics to discover how moral realism, moral anti-realism, and cultural relativism can all change what a person or a society believes they â€Å"ought† to do to be morally right. When asking what one ought to do moral realism says that there is only one answer. Moral realism tries to identify moral values that are objectiveRead MoreCultural Identity Essay769 Words   |  4 Pages To begin, culture affects the way people view the world. In three stories that i read Obituary, Ethnic hash, Two kinds, Cultural identity was a big deal. They have perfect examples of how cultural identity affects the way people view the world. These stories show and tell how people that have cultural pressure affect people and how they view the world. Cultural identity plays a hard role in these stories , telling how some people cant be what their want them to be . In my opinion , i feel likeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article What Every American Should Know 1450 Words   |  6 Pages To understand Eric Liu’s opinion on having a common culture in the U.S and purpose it is important to know about his cultural background and career. Liu’s parents were born in China but Liu was born in Poughkeepsie, New York. He studied history in Yale University then got his degree and graduated from Harvard Law School. Liu has accomplished many things over the past couple years. He is the CEO for citizen university, which has a main focus in teaching the arts of being a powerful citizen who isRead MoreArguments Against Utilitarianism1450 Words   |  6 Pageshappiness and pleasure are considered as right practices. Moreover, to Mill, actions which enhance happiness are morally right, on the other hand, actions that produce undesirable and unhappy outcomes are considered as morally wrong. From this point of view we can deduct that utilitarianism assign us moral duties and variety of ways for maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain to ensure â€Å"greatest happiness principle†. Despite all of moral duties and obligations, utilitarian perspective have many specificRead MoreEssay on The Ethical Dilemma of Defining Moral Absolutes1266 Words   |  6 Pagesfundamentalist view sounds like an ideal view that all cultures should respect. However, there are flaws in the fundamentalist views, who decides what is morally permissible and what is not. This is where the moral relativist view comes into play in an attempt to further define moral guidelines that are relative to the perspective of a society’s cultural norms and beliefs. Robert Fuller and Peter Berger both highlight the positive and negative merits of each ethical point of view and ultimately

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Taking a Look at the Mexican Revolution - 918 Words

The Mexican revolution was an important time in the history of Mexico. It was important because Mexico stopped the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz and they established a constitutional republic. During that time a lot of major people were involved in establishing a good government like Francisco Madero, Pascual Orozco, Pancho villa, and Emiliano Zapata. All of these people had a major role in the revolution and also in changing the future of Mexico. Each and everyone one of them had an impact as revolutionists. The Mexican revolution began November 20, 1910, but the question is why did it start in the first place? The Mexican revolution started because of the middle class protesting against their dictator at that time which was Porfirio Diaz (1876-1911), Diazcame into power like many other leaders in Mexico during the nineteenth century. Diaz was a former army officer who came into power by a coup. The whole reason why the revolution started was because Diaz was big on modernizing and industrializing but the workers were suffering because of all the work. Diaz also wanted to form a stronger bond with the United States and started distributing land which belonged to farmers and lower class people in Mexico, the only way to keep your land or get it back was to have a legal document claiming that it was yours. When people started turning on him he â€Å"bullied† them into supporting him. The Mexican revolution started in 1910 when people started to challenge and question Diaz on hisShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at the Mexican Revolution982 Words   |  4 Pagessuccess didn’t included â€Å"all† Mexicans which its majority were lower class citizens, on this equation the majority of people were never the ones to gain; wealth and land inequalities and abuse of power will part of the daily struggle, as result of this Mexican revolution will began. In 1908, after a publication of an interview of Porfirio Diaz by James Creelman, sentiments of Revolution began to spark in Mexico, but it wouldn’t be until November 1910 when the Mexican Revolution started. The revolutionaryRead MoreThe Mexican Revolution Of Carlos Merida And El Dios Del Fuego789 Words   |  4 Pageschose Carlos Merida and his Mexican murals because they consisted of popping color schemes and had an abstract vibe to them that attracted me and stood out from the rest of the artists to choose from. My three favorite works by Carlos would have to be La Mà ¡scara Mà ¡gica, Dancers of Mexico, and El Dios del Fuego. He was a well-known Guatemalan muralist and he became interested in the social revolution that was taking place in Mexico City, known as the Mexican Revolution. As Diego Rivera’s assistantRead More The Mexican Revolution: An Overview Essay1467 Words   |  6 PagesThe Mexican Revolution: An Overview Throughout its history Mexico has had many revolutions. The most famous perhaps is the Mexican Revolution from 1910-1920. The people of Mexico were getting tired of the dictator rule of President Porfino Diaz. People of all classes were fighting in the revolution. The middle and upper classes were dissatisfied with the President’s ways. The lower and working class people had many factors such as poor working conditions, inflation, inferior housing, lowRead MoreModern Mexican Society And Its Culture1616 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstand modern Mexican society and its culture we have to analyze its social, economic and political development through the early stages of industrialization and the conditions under which this development took place. Following the Marxist theory of Historical Materialism, we will look at the rise of capitalism during the Porfiriato (time period in which General Porfirio Diaz governed Mexico), the class conflicts arising during this time period tha t produced the Mexican Revolution of 1910, the politicalRead MoreThe Underdogs By Mariano Azuela1302 Words   |  6 Pagesnovel The Underdogs, by Mariano Azuela, that understand this all too well. In The Underdogs, the author depicts Northern Mexican villages overrun by the Mexican Revolution sending impromptu soldiers to fight the war, leaving few citizens left behind with essentially nothing. Azuela paints a picture of the tremendous pressure put on the citizens of Northern Mexico during the Revolution and we see this through his descriptions of massive casualties and families feeling incredible pain due to the absenceRead MoreThe Cultural And Racial Unity Of All Indigenous People1496 Words   |  6 Pagessuppressing indigeneity and want makes the Indians distinct. Nevertheless, one can also study to what extent the state’s plan worked in their favour, and in what ways did the homogenising plan play against them and outcome they had intended. The Mexican Revolution marks a turning point in the state’s attitudes towards the indigenous people. Before the succession of events that span from 1910 to 1920, the indigenous were considered the weaker race, according to the intellectual trend of ‘scientific racism’Read MoreLike Water For Chocolate By Laura Esquivel1750 Words   |  7 Pagesparalleling the labour they face in the real world to that of Tita. Taking a deeper look into the depths of the novel by approaching it through a feminist lens, it transforms into a novel which is praiseworthy in empowering women to assist one another in seeking better lives for themselves. Within the novel Tita faces the bona fide struggle to navigate through the labyrinth that is self growth, fights tradition through revolution and never falls to her inner demons. An vital motif in the textRead MoreMexican Immigrants And Their Mexican American Children Within The Novel Pocho By Jose Antonio Villareal1334 Words   |  6 Pagesfocused on the experiences of Mexican immigrants and their Mexican American children within the novel Pocho by Jose Antonio Villareal. This short novel focuses on the Rubio family. Though the text begins with Juan Rubio as the protagonist, early on, there is a shift and the only son, Richard Rubio becomes the protagonist. The setting of the novel is the early 20th century. The events at the beginning of the novel take place in Mexico just after the end of the Mexican Revolution. The novel then shifts toRead MorePeople drive past El Paso High School every day and never bother to admire the beautiful1100 Words   |  5 Pagesarchitecture of the 100-year-old building that towers above them. I’ve always thought it was a striking building but, like many other El Pasoans, had no idea about the history behind why it was built the way it was. A couple of books and a nice long look at the school, I now have a better understanding and appreciation for Henry Trost’s marvelous works. Geoffrey Wright, an El Paso architect, describes Henry Trost’s grand design of El Paso High School as a â€Å"renaissance revival† in a 1991 article inRead MoreThe Hardships Of Ethnic Mexican Immigrants And Mexican Americans Essay1268 Words   |  6 Pagesof ethnic Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans Many Mexican Americans have been able to accomplish their own versions of the American dream by attending a 4-year college, owning businesses, and taking on political and public service careers. However, Mexican Americans and Mexican immigrants continue to face the hardships that their ancestors went through in the 20th century. The ethnic Mexican experience in the United States has been a difficult one for Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Regression Analysis and Marks Free Essays

BRUNEL UNIVERSITY Master of Science Degree examination Specimen Exam Paper 2005-2006 EC5002: Modelling Financial Decisions and Markets EC5030: Introduction to Quantitative Methods Time allowed: 1. 5 hours Answer all of question 1 and at least two other questions 1. COMPULSORY Provide brief answers to all the following: (a) A sample of 20 observations corresponding to the model: Y = + X + u, gave the P P P following data: (X X)2 = 215:4, (Y Y )2 = 86:9, and (X X)(Y Y ) = 106:04. We will write a custom essay sample on Regression Analysis and Marks or any similar topic only for you Order Now Estimate . 5 marks) (b) Prove that r2 = byx bxy , where byx is the least-squares (LS) slope in the regression of Y on X , bxy is the LS slope in the regression of X on Y , and r is the coe? cient of correlation between X and Y . (5 marks) (c) Present four alternative in†¡ ation/unemployment regressions. (5 marks) (d) Give one reason for autocorrelated disturbances. (5 marks) (e) Explain how we might use the Breusch-Godfrey statistic to test estimated residuals for serial correlation. (5 marks) (f) The following regression equation is estimated as a production function for Q: lnQ = 1:37 + 0:632 lnK + 0:452 lnL, cov(bk ; bl ) = 0:055; 0:257) (0:219) where the standard errors are given in parentheses. Test the hypothesis that capital (K ) and labor (L) elasticities of output are identical. (5 marks) Continued (Turn over) 1 ANSWER TWO QUESTIONS FROM THE FOLLOWING: 2. (a) Economic theory supplies the economic interpretation for the predicted relationships between nominal (in†¡ ation) uncertainty, real (output growth) uncertainty, output growth, and in†¡ ation. Discuss †¦ve testable hypotheses regarding bidirectional causality among these four variables. (25 marks) + yt b) An investigator estimates a linear relation for German output growth (yt ): yt = 1 + ut , t = 1850; : : : ; 1999. The values of †¦ve test statistics are shown in Table 1: Discuss the results. Is the above equation correctly speci†¦ed? (10 marks) 3. (a) i) Show how various examples of typical hypotheses †¦t into a general linear framework: Rb = r, where R is a (q k) matrix of known constants, with q k, b is the (k 1) least-squares vector, and r is a q -vector of known constants. ii) Show how the least-squares estimator (b) of about . an be used to test various hypotheses iii) â€Å"The test procedure is then to reject the hypothesis Rb = r if the computed F value exceeds a preselected critical value† Discuss. (20 marks) (b) The results of least-squares est imation (based on 30 quarterly observations) of the regression of the actual on predicted interest rates (three-month U. S. Treasury Bills) were as follows: rt = 0:24 + 0:94 rt + et ; RSS = 28:56; (0:86) (0:14) where rt is the observed interest rate, and rt is the average expectation of rt held at the end of the preceding quarter. FiguresX parentheses are estimated standard errors. in X (rt r )2 = 52. The sample data on r give rt =30 = 10, According to the rational expectations hypothesis expectations are unbiased, that is, the average prediction is equal to the observed realization of the variable under investigation. Test this claim by reference to announced predictions and to actual values of the rate of interest on three-month U. S. Treasury Bills. (Note: In the above equation all the assumptions of the classical linear regression model are satis†¦ed). 15 marks) Continued (Turn over) 2 4. (a) What are the assumptions of the classical linear regression model? (10 marks) (b) Prove that the variance-covariance matrix of the (k 1) least-squares vector b is: var(b) = 2 (X 0 X) 1 , where 2 is the variance of the disturbances and X is the (n k) matrix of the regressors. (15 marks) b (c) In the two-variable equation: Yi = a+bXi , i = 1; : : : ; n show that cov(a; b) = 2 X= X)2 . (10 marks) X (X 5. (a) Explain how we might use White statistic to test for the presence of heteroscedasticity in the estimated residuals. 10 marks) (b) A speci†¦ed equation is Y = X +u, with E(u) = 0 and E(uu0 ) = ; where =diagf 2 ; : : : ; 1 Derive White’ correct estimates of the standard errors of the OLS coe? cients. s (15 marks) (c) Explain how we might test for ARCH e ¤ects? (10 marks) 2 2g . 3 Table 1. Test statistic Value of the test p-value White heteroscedasticity test 50. 72 0. 00 Box-Pierce Statistic on 82. 263 0. 00 Squared Residuals Jarque-Bera statistic 341. 754 0. 00 ARCH test 65. 42 0. 00 Ramsey test statistic 39. 74 0. 00 4 How to cite Regression Analysis and Marks, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Unexpected Surprises free essay sample

The coveted red hue vanished from under the bedlam of lights and lenses. With that, the last piece of the puzzle went astray. â€Å"Ay, Martha, venga aqui!† I exclaimed as I motioned my research mentor to take a look at the slide under the university medical centers state-of-the-art microscope. She let out a glum sigh. That sigh concerned me. Not once since the labs principal investigator gave me the opportunity to carry out my pancreatic and prostate cancer project and paired me with Martha had I seen her distressed. Whenever I entered those heavy, green doors, I always saw a gray-haired lady smiling at me, greeting me with, â€Å"Hola! Como estas?† I would return those greetings, chat with her about my mood, and ask about the happenings of her week in the same romantic tongue. I loved that atmosphere, enjoying those conversations in Spanish, telling each other stories about our lives, giving me the freedom to explore new ideas, trying to loosen up the pressure-filled environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Unexpected Surprises or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I had a feeling that Martha enjoyed our talks too. But I was frustrated by my research. I had followed the protocol exactly as the company had written it – bake the slides, melt the glycerol, stir the milk, sit overnight – but after multiple attempts, there was nothing. The publications about prostate and pancreatic cancer in Nature Medicine paved a lucid path to the same result: a red tint should smear the thin layer of cancer cells. With a vast ocean of knowledge feeding my hungry brain and coveting an accurate final product, I tried the process over and over. But my clumsy hands refused to listen. As I ventured into the treacherous jungle of the city and arrived at the comforts of the 11-story cancer research building nestled between 90th and 92nd streets, my fingers were quivering like mad, my toes frozen with chills running up my spine, my stomach contents ready to fly into space. Ive never spilled water on the slides before. Now the experiment is ruined. The grant is going to expire soon, and the update and the paper are due in a couple of weeks. Precious time is a wasting, precious money going down the drain. But with each step toward my destination, my anxious and aching body was settling down to the slow, graceful tempo of Debussys â€Å"Clair de Lune.† Id performed this experiment so many times that I could do it with a lift of my pinky. Yet, I still had no result. And just because I messed up the first step doesnt mean I couldnt tweak the rest of the protocol to see what happened. I just had so much fun  ­fiddling around with the experiment. That excitement wont ever slip away from me. I grabbed the steaming slides from the oven and drenched chemical after chemical over each one with the joy of being a kid again. Then I gently pushed a slippery slide under the microscope. There it was. The lights and lenses radiated the sparkling glow of fire, a glow that had been elusive thus far. As I screamed, â€Å"Martha, venga aqui!† for the last time, grateful for the opportunity, the relaxed atmosphere, and our unique bond, I was thrilled to see the beaming smile that had been missing for so long. Sometimes, I have learned, the beauty of life comes from the joy of unexpected surprises and not in the pursuit of robotic perfection.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hamlet Essays (280 words) - Fiction, English-language Films, Film

Hamlet Hamlet The time is out of joint. O cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right! Shakespeare profoundly epitomizes the dominant character in his play, Hamlet. In the tragedy, Hamlet is both a hero and a victim. At the start of the play Hamlet's character is an intelligent scholar who is admired and respected by the townspeople. The plot begins when Hamlet's father appears to him as a ghost and asks his son to kill Claudius, the man who murdered him, disrupting the lives of Hamlet and everyone in the castle. Hamlet is intensely emotional at this time. His mother's incestuous marriage to his uncle and his father's sudden death contribute to his grief. To make things worse, Hamlet must now kill his father's murderer, which aggravates his distress. At this point in time, disgusted and disappointed, Hamlet breaks down and recites the quote above, expressing his state of turmoil. The ghost's demand is almost more than he is able to bear, leading Hamlet to question his life. At first Hamlet is passionate about taking revenge on the man who secretly murdered his father who was the former King. Yet, Hamlet quickly realizes the heavy burden of his duty. As a result, he becomes unsure of himself and is unable to arrive at a quick decision and take action. He changes from a reflective and thoughtful prince to a man filled with melancholy and madness. When Hamlet is given a task that is unfamiliar to him, he does not know how to handle the situation. The situation demands him to make a decision which goes against his morals. Consequently, he signifies his feelings with this phrase and says how cursed he is to be born to set the problem right. Shakespeare Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Identification, Placement, or Provision of Appropriate Instruction to Low Income Gifted Students

Identification, Placement, or Provision of Appropriate Instruction to Low Income Gifted Students Introduction  ­ Demographics of Florida have recorded overwhelming changes in the recent years due to the increased population as well as enrichment of human race diversity. The city is identified with a large population of students in the available schools, who are inclusive of all human races.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Identification, Placement, or Provision of Appropriate Instruction to Low Income Gifted Students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The students’ achievements of set goals are widely determined by the extent of recognition by the Bureau of education, the low income gifted students not being an exception. Gifted children entail those individuals that have high potentials of achievements, though disadvantaged by the fact that they come from low income earning families. The 2000 demographics table of recognition has been constructed in a way that makes rampant challenges identifiable (Brody , 2004). The discussion in this paper is aimed at investigating challenges associated with the identification, placement, or provision of appropriate instruction to low income gifted students. Challenges to low income gifted students A countless number of challenges are identified in regards to the identification, placement as well as provision of the essential instruction to those students that are gifted and coming from low income families in Florida. Inequality in representation is very evident from the recent 2000 demographics. The fact that the city holds all types of races in the general population and the fact that the same rate should be viewed in school populations, there needs be equal treatment for all students. However, the largest numbers that are catered for in the placements to special programs are whites while very few numbers of other races are catered for. The inequality challenge goes beyond the national level for it is rampantly extended to the district level (Br ody, 2004). Additionally, there exists a disproportional representation of the students in regard to linguistic, cultural as well as the ethnic diversity. The consideration is based on the racial lines and hence giving room to the aspect of tribalism to take preeminence in the operations of gifted students programs. In the process, the low-income gifted students who should be considered for special education are not catered for.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The issue of ethnicity is identified with persistence over the years and also the failure for the educational curriculum to offer ample instructions to those students that are talented in one way or the other. The long standing challenge has been that of the high percentage of minority students with special needs as compared to their enrolment to the gifted and talented students programs. The immigrant’s student s into Florida have very small numbers of those considered as compared to those of the white’s students. This problem is identified with a disproportionate representation in the schools. In response to this, the current research reports indicate that the future of Florida is bound to encompass large numbers of diverse racial lines, thus becoming a multiracial area. This also accounts for a rise of the numbers of students of immigrants to higher levels that those of whites, making it a problem if this tribalism challenge continues thriving (Karnes and Johnsen, 2005).  Moreover, there is the prevalence of favoritism challenge, which entails offering special consideration to some individuals more than the others are considered. The demographic representation of the year 2000 indicate some parts of those that are white gifted students being given a priority over the rest, though they are racially similar. The counties, though in the same city do not use an identical criteria fo r the consideration of gifted low income students, and those in some areas benefit. The major long-standing problem is even that having ghost students being in the special school programs, who take up the positions of the genuinely needy. This form of favoritism diverts the funds that are to help the gifted low income students into no noble utilization. The extension of this challenge is also extended along racial lines in regard to the identification and placement of the gifted low income students into the appropriate programs. Furthermore, the fact that the challenges are long standing is an implication that no policies have been put into place to safeguard the gifted low income students to help them achieve their dreams by the prevailing government (Karnes and Johnsen, 2005). The usefulness of the information in identifying this subgroup in a school The information herein provided is crucial in the identification of such a sub-group in my school. The fact that no school in the wo rld will comprise of students of a similar race helps release the importance regarding every person as a human creature regardless of their origin.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Identification, Placement, or Provision of Appropriate Instruction to Low Income Gifted Students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More My school though does not emphasize on such programs will need to come up with the best strategies to identify such groups. The gifted students are quite innovative since are those people with an extra knowledge in regard to innovation but sometimes never get a chance to achieve their dreams. The information is also valuable in the evaluation of how best a government, an institution or an education has been able to assist needy students. It is also important in addressing the issue of inequality in learning institutions as well as governmental realms. The change of placement and identification policies is only p ossible when appropriate environmental scanning has been performed to identify such challenges (Cline and Schwartz, 1999). Conclusion The placement, identification and meeting of instructional needs of gifted low income students in Florida have been overwhelmed by some rampant challenges in the recent years. The rampancy of inequality, favoritism as well as tribalism is known to have been long-standing over the years. However, the identification of these challenges has a rationale of identifying such groups in my school as well as addressing them. However, more research should be conducted to come up with the sources of these rampant challenges associated with the identification, placement, or provision of appropriate instruction to low income gifted students References Brody, L. (2004). Grouping and acceleration practices in gifted education. NY: Corwin Press, 2004. Cline, S. and Schwartz, D. (1999). Diverse populations of gifted children: meeting their needs in the regular classro om and beyond. NY: Merrill Prentice Hall. Karnes, F. and Johnsen, S. (2005). Identifying gifted students: a step-by-step guide. Texas: Prufrock Press Inc.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Melodrama and TV serial in Guiding Light Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Melodrama and TV serial in Guiding Light - Essay Example Jonathan and Cassie are important individuals in the development of the storyline. The multiple lead characters connect the theme of the series and give the viewer the urge to want to watch it to the end. The presence of Jonathan and Cassie brings romance in the drama series. The use of leading characters decreases the attention from the lead characters to other characters in the sequel. The multiple characters allow the use of many storylines at once to provide fluidity in the storyline. The video illustrates that the character does not get an opportunity to resolve their problems. Guiding Light qualifies to be a TV serial. For example, Jonathan is not able to get vengeance for the death of his wife immediately. It is clear that viewers have to wait for the next episode to view the next episode. Resolution is among the components of a TV serial. Guiding Light qualifies to be a TV serial because it ends with a climax. It keeps the viewer with an urge to want to watch the next episode . For example, we see Jonathan planning the revenge for the individuals involved in the death of his wife. The climax plays an important because it produces a new conflict that keeps it interesting to watch. In the end, it is clear that the Cassie does make a choice of the casket to use for her daughter’s death. In conclusion, it is clear that melodrama and TV serials focus on the relationships and family. The main reason to focus on the family relationship is that family is one of the important institutions of the society.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Definition of law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Definition of law - Essay Example If the sovereign or its laws are illegitimate then do their sanctions imposed on individuals or groups who do not comply with the laws, legal In examining cases where the legitimacy of the authority is left in doubt, we must determine whether the authority's legal system and laws are morally justified in making the laws or whether they violate human rights in objectionable ways. All countries create and adhere to their own rules of law when punishing offenders. In many cases, appropriate punishment is dealt for the severity of the crime committed. The more brutal the crime, the harsher the punishment. But there are nations that impose extreme retribution for even minor misdemeanors, China being a case in point. Each year thousands of Chinese citizens are put to death for petty offences. Many are carried out in secret and thus go unreported. Exactly what criteria nations like these employ to deal out this kind of punishment is a question that compels the investigation of different kinds of laws that operate on a society. Law of nature deals with morality and the theory tries to recognize a moral compass to guide in the creation of laws (Wikipedia). Usually feelings and notions of what is right and wrong are the underlying principles governing natural law. This could vary greatly depending on various interests. In the case of the countries forming the European Union which signed the Second Optional Protocol, these nations abolished capital punishment. The natural law here has prevailed and won over hearts and minds of leaders and lawmakers into agreeing that capital punishment is wrong and should be eradicated. In nations that retain capital punishment, natural law has not taken roots in governance. Natural law decrees that anything morally 'right' is law and anything 'unjust' is not a part of natural law. Theorists say that punishment carried out without the use of natural law will be judged by 'higher powers' - that divine retribution will take its course. Natural laws gain respect and credibility when they meet certain requirements such as being impartial and existing in the realm of public knowledge. Without these fundamental requirements the laws are less likely to be recognized or treated with much regard. Legal positivism or positive law is law that can be changed or updated depending on circumstances. For example abortion can be legal today but illegal tomorrow (Wikipedia). Cigarette advertising may be permissible today but prohibited tomorrow. Alcohol can be banned in world cup football venues to prevent hooliganism but not at local football events. There are many advantages with flexible laws. They can be adapted depending on the circumstances and needs of society at any given time. Newly elected governments placed in office can relax some laws but enforce other existing ones. On the internet, most websites have a 'terms and conditions' or 'terms of use' clause. These may be modified over time to keep up with changes made to the site and also either curtail misuse of the site or, encourage users to take advantage

Monday, November 18, 2019

Health Psychology and the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health Psychology and the Media - Essay Example The target audience in the documentary was adolescents who as per the writers are the group of people who drinks heavily. The legal minimum drinking age is stated as 21, however, there still exits a problem on the sale, procession, and consumption of alcohol among adolescents. This particular group of people is more vulnerable and at risk considering the messages that bombards the media on the use of this substance. Different figures were shown reflecting the results of the psychosocial treatment methods carried on various individuals. The author investigated patterns of treatment completion and outcome among a set of heavy drinking adolescents. Participants received a cognitive-behavioral treatment that included education, relaxation, CR, and imaginal and in vivo exposure. Fourteen percent of the sample (N = 8) did not complete treatment; when completers were compared to dropouts on baseline characteristics, very few differences emerged. ... when completers were compared to dropouts on baseline characteristics, very few differences emerged. With regard to treatment outcome, cluster analysis revealed two patterns, one for responders and one for partial responders. In comparison to responders, partial responders to treatment showed more severe pretreatment numbing symptoms, as well as greater depression, pain, and irritable nature as well as lower level of global functioning. It is of note that responders and partial responders did not differ in number of sessions attended, homework compliance, stressors occurring during therapy, or the presence or absence of any litigations. Although the description provided about the techniques applied and the figures related to the participants and so on had been specific and well communicated, yet a tabular or more numerical approach to the data would have been more precise, clear and understandable. Considering that the targeted group by this page is adolescents' emphasis of passing the content should have been made clearer by the use of aids like graphics, pictures, and diagrams that are clearly and colorfully illustrated. The adolescent may learn more from such illustrations rather than literature which will take time to read through. The graphics may also look attractive to the adolescent and make the article interesting to read. These young minds can easily recall the content when it is illustrated much more than when it is in a literary form. Evaluation: Significant social problems arise from the consumption of alcohol among adolescents. These young people are looked at by the society as being deviant and anti

Friday, November 15, 2019

Biomedical Waste Management in Hospitals

Biomedical Waste Management in Hospitals CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Biomedical waste: Biomedical Waste Management and Handling Rules, India (1998) defines the biomedical waste as â€Å"Any waste which is produced by identification of problem, immunization of human beings or animals or treatment or in research activities pertaining or in the production or testing of biological11. According to WHO around 85% of the biomedical waste generated in the hospital were non-infectious/ non-hazardous waste similar to domestic waste. Only 15% of the waste were infectious or hazardous waste which were a risk for environment and health (10%- infectious and 5%- radioactive or chemical waste). The hospital waste was classified as sharp waste, infectious waste, pathological waste, pharmacological or cytotoxic waste, chemical waste, radioactive waste, non-hazardous general waste. Management of Safe waste from health care activities reported the biomedical waste were hazardous in nature as it contain one or more following property: 1) Infectious 2) Contain cytotoxic chemical composition 3) presence of toxic or hazardous chemicals 4) Radioactivity 5) Contain used sharped materials. Everyone coming close to hospital waste were at risk. The main group of individuals at risk was doctors, staff nurses, para medical and supportive staffs, patients, and their attenders. If hospital waste were disposed of improperly, it also risks for general public12. Rational for Biomedical Waste Management in Hospital: Biomedical waste management is a part of hospital hygiene and maintenance activities. Only 15% of the waste generated in the hospital were infectious. If improper segregation of waste at source leads to 100% of biomedical waste to be infectious. Even though biomedical waste management require lot of resources like manpower, money, material and machinery support, it is important for the following reasons13: Sharps waste like needles, hypodermic needles, scalpels and other blades, knives, infusion sets can cause cut injuries or puncture wounds. If these items were infected, it can infect all health care provider in hospital and waste handlers. Infection control practices and poor waste management can lead to the spread of hospital acquired infection among patients. Improper treatment and disposal of biomedical waste can be a potential risk to the general public especially to scavengers. Genotoxic and cytotoxic waste in hospital waste is hazardous and have mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic properties. Improper disposal of genotoxic waste raises serious safety problems, both inside hospitals and after disposal, and should be given special attention. The Risk associated with chemical hazardous, at all levels the drugs to persons can handle wastes. Radioactive wastes were produced as a result of procedures such as analysis of body tissue and fluid, organ imaging and tumor localization and various investigative and therapeutic practices. These radioactive waste were a hazard to health and surrounding environment. There is a risk of air, water and soil pollution can occur directly due to improper disposal of waste or due to defective incineration emissions and ash. Biomedical waste management in India: In 1998, the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, introduced the Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules which mandate to notify for the management and handling of bio-medical waste in the hospital. This rule was amended in 2003 and 2011. Even though strong legislation in India most of the hospitals were yet to achieve the recommended standards for biomedical waste management practices. An evaluation study was carried out by INCLEN (International Clinical Epidemiology Network) Program Evaluation Network (IPEN) in 2009. The study was carried out in Model Injection Centers (MICs) at 25 Partner Medical Colleges (PMC) in India. The study result showed that the biomedical waste management was poor in 82 % of primary care health centers, 60 % secondary care centers and 54 % tertiary care health centers. This showed that there was need for urgent interventions for improving systems capacity and resource in both public and private sectors14. Knowledge regarding Biomedical Waste Management Chudasama et al. (2013) conducted an observational hospital based cross sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practice of bio medical waste handling and its management in a tertiary hospital in Rajkot city, India. The study included all health care provider like resident doctors, intern doctors, nursing staff, laboratory technicians, ward boys, and sweeper’s worker. Among the total study participants282, 92(32.6%) where are staff nurse. The result shows that 95% of participants know about BMW, and 44% of the participant had BMW training. Around 87% of participant known the biomedical waste symbol, 85% of participant know about color codes and 89% of the participant are aware that biomedical waste can transfer disease like HIV and Hepatitis15. Vanesh Mathur et al. (2011) conducted an observational hospital based cross-sectional study on KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices) about BMW (Biomedical Waste Management) among Healthcare Personnel, 100 bedded hospital Allahabad city India. The study included all doctors, nurses, and laboratory technicians have better knowledge than sanitary staff regarding biomedical waste management among the total study participants 283,60(21%) where are staff nurse. The result shows that color-coding waste containers 56 (93.3), 55(91.6) of the participant are aware that biomedical waste can transfer disease like HIV and Hepatitis16. Rekha Sachan et al. (2012), conducted a cross-sectional study on KAP regarding BMW among the Paramedical Staff and Medical in Tertiary hopital in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of CSM Medical University, Luck now, India. The Sample was 10 doctors and 20 nurses. Group A- Nursing female staff (20 nurses), Group B Doctors (10 Junior Doctors, 8 from Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2 from Paediatrics) two groups were made. 30% of the doctors and 20% nursing staff have more than 70% knowledge about BMW. 100% doctors and 60% nurses have a definitive attitude towards biomedical waste management17. Sarika P Patil et al.(2011), conducted the cross-sectional study was conducted during1st August 2011 to 30th September 2011. Healthcare Workers Awareness regarding Biomedical Waste Management (BMW) at Tertiary Hospital Government in Dhule (India). The sample was 302 health care workers in which 156 are nurses; 45 are technicians and 101 are sanitation workers. The Sanitation workers include 18 attendants laboratory and 83 sweepers performing job of transportation and waste collection Undergone Training of BMW management 49 (60.5%) nurses were training about biomedical waste management, Knowledge regarding the Number of correct Colour Bags to be provided for BMW collection68 (84%), Out of 153 participants, 41.8% (64) and 81.7%(125) were immunized for tetanus and hepatitis B. It was derived that no vaccination of Hepatitis B among 49.4% (40) nurses and 45.7% (16) laboratory technicians during 89.2 %( 33) sanitary workers.18 Sanjay Kini B et al. (2014) conducted a observational hospital based cross sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practice of bio medical waste management among staff of a tertiary healthcare Centre in coastal Karnataka Kasturba Medical College, Udupi district of coastal ,India. The study included all health care provider among consultants, junior residents, staff nurses, laboratory technicians and house-keeping staff in Kasturba Hospital in manipal, Among the total study participants 337, 189(56%),where are staff nurses, the result shows that nurses (62.4%) of participants know about BMW and 44% of participant had BMW training, and 46 (24.3%) Knowledge among the participants about biomedical waste management among the total staff 71 (37.6%) shows that less knowledge about biomedical waste management19. S.B. Salve, et al. (2012) conducted an observational hospital based cross sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practice of biomedical waste handling and its management in tertiary hospital Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad [MS] India. Resident Doctors, Nursing Staff and class Employees were selected by the Stratified random sampling method. Among the total study participants110, 47 (42.7%) where are staff nurse. The result shows that 31 (66%) were having average score and 8 (17%) were having poor score, good knowledge 8 (17%), the result shows that 89.3% of participants had BMW training, remaining 10.7% participants untrained about the biomedical waste management20. Bathma Vishal et al. (2013) conducted an observational knowledge assessment of hospital staff regarding biomedical waste management in a tertiary care hospital. Bhanpur road, Bhopal, India. The study included all health all health care personals, doctors, nurses, and Lab technicians and 7 waste handlers/supporting staff. Among total participants110, 44(40%) where the nursing staff. The result shows that about the knowledge of Categories of waste in nurses 59.0%, and identify the bio hazard symbol 81.8% knows the symbol, Waste segregation in colour containers 70.5%nurses have knowledge, how to disposal method 75.0% have knowledge about the biomedical waste management, which type of disease spread in improper hospital waste management knows about 84.0%, Correct method of treatment disposal knows about 77.3% of HIV and Hepatitis21. Savan Sara Mathew et al. (2011) conducted an observational hospital based cross sectional study on Assessment of BMW practices in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Ludhiana city, India. The study included all health care provider like resident doctor’s nurses and paramedical staff, among the total study participants 100, 48(48%) were staff nurses. The results show that better knowledge of the nurses more in practical aspects of BMW management. categories of BMW was 97.4% , 92.1% was color coding system, 94.7% knew the methods of segregation, 92.1% knew that waste should not be stored for more than 48 hours, and 100% of aware about the methods of waste disposal. Nurses were equal to or better than the doctors in the aspects of practice. Their knowledge was less in theoretical aspects. 73.7% were aware of BMW Management Rules 1998; 86.8% were identified the biohazard symbol while 92.1% knew the diseases spread by improper waste management22. Md. Asadullah, et al. (2013) conducted A descriptive cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practices among nursing staff in private hospitals in Udupi City. India. The study included randomly 17 hospitals (as clusters) and 4 hospitals. A pre-structured questionnaire was used. Data were collected from 166 nursing staff, HIV may transmit through BMW 130(78.3), and Hepatitis-B may transmit through BMW 137(82.5), was answered Hepatitis-C may transmit through BMW 119(71.7), Training on biomedical waste management 122(73.5%) and vaccinated about hepatitis-B 153(92.2%) was immunized23 Biomedical waste management Practice: Chudasama et al.(2013) conducted an observational hospital based cross sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practice of bio medical waste handling and its management in a tertiary hospital in Rajkot city, India. The study included all health care provider like resident doctors, intern doctors, nursing staff, laboratory technicians, ward boys, and sweeper’s worker. Among the total study participants282, 92(32.6%) where are staff nurse. Study result shows 74.5% of participants reported that there is good maintenance of BMW records in wards and 87% reported having hub cutter in wards. Around 84% of participants are using personal protective measures like a mask, gloves, etc. while handling BMW. The correct practice of handling disposal plastic waste, soiled dressings/plaster casts/linen waste, sharps and needles waste and human anatomical waste are 80%, 66.8%, 63% and 63.1% respectively. Vanesh Mathur et al. (2011) conducted an observational hospital based cross-sectional study on Knowledge, Practices, and Attitude about Biomedical Management Waste among Healthcare Personnel, 100 bedded hospital Allahabad city India. The study included all doctors, nurses, and laboratory technicians have better knowledge than sanitary staff regarding biomedical waste management among the total study participants 283, 60(21%) where are staff nurse Study result show 44(73.3%) were correct color coding containers are used, The correct practice of handling disposal plastic waste, soiled dressings/plaster casts/linen waste, sharps and needles waste and human anatomical waste are 42(71.0), The report of injury’s 18(30%), about the biomedical waste management Rekha Sachan et al (2012) conducted cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practices regarding BMW amongst the Paramedical Staff and Medical in Tertiary Health Care Centre in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of CSM Medical University, Luck now, India. 70% and 65% of the doctors and nurses were practicing higher than 70% of the right practices as according to the university norms. The comparison of Knowledge, with practice and Attitude of groups, shows that the people with high education qualification have better knowledge. This result can attributed to their commitment and accountability in patient and ward management. Sarika P Patil et al.(2011), conducted the cross-sectional study was conducted during 1st August 2011 to 30th September 2011. Awareness of Healthcare Workers regarding BMW at government tertiary care Hospital in Dhule India. The study included of total 302 health care workers in which 156 are nurses, 45are technicians and 101 are sanitation workers. The result shows that Color coding correct disposal in block cover general waste 37 (45.7%),disposal of boy fluids 30 (37%),sharp and other type of container 65 (80.2%),72 (88.9%) of participants are using personal protective measures like mask, gloves, etc. while handling BMW. The correct practice of handling disposal plastic waste, soiled dressings/plaster casts/linen waste, Sanjay Kini B et al (2014) conducted a observational hospital based cross sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practice of bio medical waste management among staff of a tertiary healthcare centre in coastal Karnataka Kasturba Medical College, Udupi district of coastal ,India. The study included all health care provider among consultants, junior residents, staff nurses, laboratory technicians and housekeeping staff in Kasturba Hospital in Manipal, Among the total study participants 337, 189 (56%), where are staff nurses, Study result show 45 (23.8) % of participants reported that there is good maintenance of biomedical waste management, all nurses are immunized against hepatitis B, disinfecting sharps at the point of generation and undergone any formal training biomedical waste management, Less practice of 44 (23.3%) S.B. Salve, et al. (2012) conducted an observational hospital based cross sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practice of biomedical waste handling and its management in tertiary hospital Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad [MS] India. Resident Doctors, Nursing Staff and class Employees were selected by the Stratified random sampling method. Among the total study participants110, 47(42.7%) where are staff nurse. Practice about biomedical waste management among staff nurses 87.2% was good practice .comparative assessment of practice among trained and untrained individuals was made, which revealed 41 (59.42%) of trained individuals had â€Å"Good† practices as compared to 6 (19.5%) untrained individuals. Bathma Vishal et al. (2013) conducted an observational knowledge assessment of hospital staff regarding biomedical waste management in a tertiary care hospital. Bhanpur road, Bhopal, India. The study included all health all health care personals, doctors, nurses, and Lab technicians and 7 waste handlers/supporting staff. Among total participants110, 44(40%) where the nursing staff. All nurses are according biomedical waste management rules are followed by 54.5%.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Decision To Make :: English Literature Essays

A Decision To Make What do you do if there is a difficult decision to make, and this decision will effect your entire family and even what people think of you? Add the fact that no matter what decision you make, it will feel like a mistake. These are the things I am dealing with when trying to decide whether or not to put my son in a group home. My son is nine years old and suffers from Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and mental retardation.He was born prematurely and critically ill. Though odds were very much against him, he made it. A year later, after his first MRI, we first heard the words Cerebral Palsy. By the age of two I knew he was Autistic but we could not get a diagnosis until he was seven. He was put on medication to help his self-abusive behaviors and self-stimulation. Self-stimulation is a behavior that my son enjoys and can feel, but I do not care for them. My son would bang his head continuously, slap himself, and vomit. It is hard to imagine enjoying these behaviors but he does, and I certainly do not. We do not go on trips or in public unless my husband and myself are present to help control his behavior and our two other children's behavior. He has been known to bite and scratch strangers, steal food from other's plates while eating out, and pour drinks right on top of his head. My other children have no extra-curricular activities because I can not control him alone. He can be violent, to himself or others. On the other hand, he can be so sweet for a child who does not need hugs or kisses, though we give them anyway. The strain of caring for him can be exhausting and the responsibility is tremendous. He knows no fear and has no concept for his own safety so he must be watched constantly. He will not perform any activities of daily living, so we bathe him, brush his teeth, dress him, and change his diapers. Every door in our home has a lock that he can't reach, except the front door, which has four. Many people we have contact with mentioned group homes, but for a long time I refused to even consider it. One day, as I was cleaning up vomit for the second time that day and after I changed the fifth dirty diaper of the day, I broke down, sobbing.