Friday, May 8, 2020

Privacy Working Group

Privacy Working GroupThe long term effects of the Pentagon Papers have been studied and debated for many years, both by the general public and by the government. In recent times a very special group has been studying and looking at the many ways in which this information might be used, with particular emphasis on how it could be used to serve its purpose in the future. This group is called the Privacy Working Group and they have been studying and coming up with possible plans for many years now.There are several reasons why the Pentagon Papers might be of interest to the Privacy Working Group. Firstly, because the information contained within is such as large collection of information that people will be interested in seeing what they can find out about the many topics covered in the papers. Secondly, because the release of this information has a very high public interest factor attached to it, and lastly, because there is so much secrecy and so much money involved in maintaining suc h secrecy, and those secrets could easily be needed in the future.Now, since the papers were made public many have suggested that the government could have simply chosen to release them, or some part of them if you prefer, as a matter of pride, of looking at what they have done, or even as a test to see whether other governments will follow suit and show the same kind of transparency as they did. However, as many other governments, or states, do, this option may not seem quite realistic in many cases. That said, with so much money being spent on keeping this kind of secrecy, it would seem to be something the government would be happy to part with, as long as the money is returned to the taxpayer in some way.The main problem is that this secrecy has meant that research on many issues has only taken place over a wide range of different time periods. It is therefore extremely difficult to study the long term effects of such secrecy on a wider scale. Therefore, the Privacy Working Group has not been able to say anything conclusive about the effects of this secrecy over the long term.One thing that has been studied, however, is the effect of secrecy on the work of those that are studying the Pentagon Papers in particular. It is becoming clear, through studies like this one, that there is a link between the kind of work that is carried out, and the way in which it is carried out.As many people who study complex systems will agree, one of the problems is the fact that there is a lot of information that must be communicated in a relatively short period of time. If there is a huge amount of information to be passed around, then there will be a great deal of writing and rewriting that has to be done. However, if there is too little information then it can make the process much more complicated.Now, it is the basic problem of communication between the centralised organisational core, and all the subordinates, that make it such a problem. This can be especially true if th ere is a lack of trust between the two sets of people.With less information being passed around, and the flow of information being hindered, the whole system of communications is being constricted. There will be a greater need for lawyers and experts in order to interpret the information that is passed, leading to the frustration and the inability to make decisions as quickly as would be desirable. Indeed, this is something that can have serious long term effects on the workings of these kind of organisations, because without people who can understand the complex flow of information and use that information in a way that is productive for everyone, the organisation's ability to adapt and move forwards will be severely limited.

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